Business Directory

This page contains summary information and accompanying images of businesses whose owners are autistic, or businesses that are ran and manged by autistic people.

Each business listed contains a link to the business website, selling page, or other contact details

Click on the arrows to navigate through the businesses.

It is estimated that only 1 in 5 autistic adults are in any kind of employment. This is attributed to the many challenges in the workplace that autistic people face. Self-employment can be a good option for some autistic people, as it can help them avoid challenges of working with others, or within a stressful work environment.

Autistic people can, and often do, find success when they start their own business. This is demonstrated in the listings below.
All of the businesses featured are owned or managed by autistic adults, and they are all members of the We Are Autistic Community.

We Are Autistic do not endorse the products or services offered on the Third-Party websites, which are listed in this directory. Read more in Our Terms and Conditions.
The views of business owners (listed below) may not not be shared by We Are Autistic.
We do not charge any fees for products or services bought through the links in the directory.

As we have only just launched, below are some examples to illustrate how your listing will appear. If you would like to be one of the first businesses to feature in the directory, please complete THIS FORM.

Get your business listed.

If you would like to have your business featured in the We Are Autistic directory,
simply complete the application form, and make the payment.

Once we have received your form, one of our team will carry out a few checks. We will match your payment to your application and your place in the directory will be secured!