Business Directory Request

This page contains an application form for business owners to submit if they would like their business to feature in the Business Directory.
The page also contains a brief overview of what is included.
The link to make the payment is also on this page.

Please ensure that you have read our Terms and Conditions before you submit a form/make payment.

There are 2 steps to the process. Please make sure you carefully complete both steps.

You must be a member of the We Are Autistic Community in order to list your business in our directory.

Step 1 - Complete the Form

Please refer to the example on for guidance.

Step 2 - Purchase

Please make sure that your details are the same as those entered on the Application Form.

A 50% discount will automatically be applied to all new sign ups. Only available for a short time.

The Business Directory Introductory Discount will expire on 31 December 2024 at 11:59 pm.

Business Directory Listing (Introductory)
Every 6 months

Showcase your business and feature it in the We Are Autistic Business Directory. The peer support nature of our community will encourage other members to visit your site or selling page. Boost visits to your site/selling page and increase sales.

✓ Less than £2 per month
✓ Contains a link to your website or sellers page
✓ Space provided for an image
✓ Supportive space provided in our community forum
✓ Cancel at any time. No contracts.

This an example to illustrate how a listing will appear in the Business Directory.

Please note, this is our Introductory offer. As our directory grows we will be moving to a two tiered pricing structure. The first will include the same features as above, however the price will increase. The second will have less features, but a price to reflect this. Any updates will be posted on this page.