Contact us

To use the contact form please click in each of the purple spaces to enter your first name, last name and email address.
Then choose which of the categories your message fits best.
Then type in the purple box (underneath the word message) what you would like to say.

Finally press the button that says ‘Submit’.

Please use the form on this page to contact us. Alternatively you can send us an email. We are receiving a lot of emails at the moment, so it may take a little longer to reply to you, compared to if you complete the form.

Please be patient with us. We are all autistic too and also have varying coexisting disabilities, so it may take longer than would normally be expected for one of us to respond.

We Are Autistic are a global community, however, we operate from England. As our team are all autistic we have flexible working hours, which are not necessarily confined to standard UK working hours.

Both of these factors will impact on response times to queries and questions. Please be assured that one of the team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for understanding.